As some of you may or may not know from our recent board game feature, I like board games. In fact I love them, almost as much (or maybe a little more than) videogames. I’m been slowly amassing a collection of new titles, as well as picking up some of my old favourites.
One such classic is MB’s Hero Quest, which was a collaboration with Games Workshop. Designed as a low-entry introduction to Games Workshop’s own products, it’s a highly enjoyable fantasy romp that has you descending into an ever changing dungeon and fighting the ever monsters found within.
Team play is essential in order to win, but that didn’t stop my eldest daughter form running off and doing her own thing on her first play through. Getting hammered by a zombie soon put a stop to that though, and it’s quickly become a firm family favourite, despite the fact that it’s now over 20 years old.
I’ve just picked up Descent, which is Hero Quest on a larger, far more dangerous scale, so don’t be surprised to see a blog appear in the not too distant future about it.