Composer and producer of the highly acclaimed survival horror series Silent Hill, Akira Yamaoka has recently formed a band for the purposes of showcasing his music live. The band which has been named by the community as “The Silent Hill Band” performed its first live show on US soil September 1st, 2012 in Glendale, Arizona (near Phoenix). We were on the scene and captured the full Silent Hill concert (except for the first 4 minutes). Reviewing the show… it was a strong performance, especially when you factor in that this is the band’s first ever performance. Akira Yamaoka played guitar, often busting out soaring solos. Vocals were done by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, who is of course the original singer of the songs from the game and an accomplished voice actress. On bass guitar and back up vocals was Troy Baker, also a veteran voice actor. In between bass licks he would hype up the crowd. Last, but certainly not least, on drums was hero drummer Joe Romersa who gave a thrilling Bonhamesque performance. They performed various pieces from the Silent Hill series ranging from heavy metal tracks all the way to ambient ballads. There was also some music from Shadows of the DAMNED performed. The next day, they performed a second show in Arizona. At this show, Yamaoka-san played a fan’s guitar live on stage. Amazing fan service! Here is Jimmy holding his Akira Yamaoka signed and soloed guitar.. On the 3rd day, they also performed a live “unplugged” show and answered questions from fans. No one knows what the future holds for Akira Yamaoka and his Silent Hill band, but we’ll let you know when we find out. Check out the full image gallery of Akira Yamaoka and the Silent Hill band…
Silent Hill & Akira Yamaoka Konami site (Japanese) Akira Yamaoka on Twitter Video & Pictures taken at Saboten Con 2012 in Arizona.
What can I say?This is a dream come true…Looking forward for a full-length album,these guys are simply amazing!For real,can you EVEN imagine any Silent Hill WITHOUT Akira`s music?Or without Mary`s vocals?Not a chance!I mean,Daniel Licht is very good but…Akira and the gang…are pure magic!