If you’re one of the many Bungie fans thats eager to learn and see more about their upcoming game, Destiny, then check this out. It shows you Bungie’s internal character sketches and concepts and how they’ve been rendered into Destiny. This was shown at GDC 2013. The coolest part about this video is how much Bungie is straying from what people know them for in Halo while … [ Read More... ]
You read right. Unfortunately, it’s an utter lie and simply a mock up we found on Reddit. But wouldn’t be cool to have a simple, 8 bit version of Bioshock Infinite? You’d be surprised how good Nintendo Gameboy versions of AAA titles could be back in the day. Who votes we start a petition to Irrational Games for this? Just kidding. (Or are we?)
Long time voice actor, David Hayter, who has played multiple versions of the character Snake in every Metal Gear Solid game says he was never offered to come back this time. Metal Gear Solid 5 will apparently feature a different voice actor than David Hayter for the iconic Snake.
When Hayter saw the new trailer for Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain he tweeted “At least … [ Read More... ]