In a totally expected (and appreciated) move, Valve will be releasing an update for Team Fortress 2 which will officially add support for Oculus’ Rift virtual reality head mounted display. It’s good news after the announcement that the VR headset will not have Doom 3 BFG Edition support out of the box. Furthermore, Valve is also going to be releasing a hat for TF2 that will indicate VR users.
Michael Abrash, literally a genius programmer, recently posted on his blog at Valve regarding some of his VR (virtual reality) & AR (augmented reality) research. It’s chock-full of ideas and thoughts about the obstacles to overcome with VR/AR controller latency. That is making your control in the game world as instant and natural as it would be in real life. He says that even having controls be 99% accurate … [ Read More... ]
At Quakecon 2012 we were fortunate enough to get an exclusive interview with Michael Abrash of Valve Software. In the interview was also a writer from Rock Paper Shotgun.
For those that don’t know… Michael Abrash is an esteemed computer programmer with a career spanning over 3 decades. He arrived in Dallas, Tx at this years Quakecon to speak with fellow geniuses John Carmack of Id Software… [ Read More... ]
We just got back from Dallas, and while we were at Quake Con managed to get a few answers out of John Carmack personally…
When asked about his intentions on continuing his work with non-polygonal rendering: He commented that it was going to have to take a back seat, as right now the technology is not really there and it wouldn’t be worth the trouble … [ Read More... ]