Robot Unicorn Attack, the original king of endless runners (along with Canabalt), is back with a sequel. Does this new version stack up to the original?
For the most part, yes and it’s free. Overall, this is a great looking and playing game. The controls are familiar although feel a bit different from previous iterations. Furthermore, the classic music is gone from the original Robot Unicorn Attack… [ Read More... ]
Movies For Gamers is a section of where we post and discuss a trailer for a classic cult movie. The movies we select will hopefully be movies that gamers will love too. And of course, if you haven’t seen it, we’ll give you a link to get it.
Following up Sam Raimi’s horror classic Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness takes the things we loved about the previous … [ Read More... ]
You read that correctly. Released on smart phones and computers is Tekken Card Tournament. It’s a free to play virtual card game which pits you against classic Tekken fighters in turn based, card combat. I played a bit of it and it’s not as bad as it sounds.
When any game is likened to the cult classic Earthbound gamer’s ears will surely perk up. Announced at the Media Indie Exchange (the MIX) last week Canadian developers Eden Industries’ upcoming game, Citizens of Earth, is said to draw heavily from Nintendo’s quirky SNESRPG.
Citizens of Earth is a top-down RPG in which you take control of the Vice President of the World, … [ Read More... ]