Saboten Con is a yearly event in Phoenix that brings thousands of anime fans and gamers together for one of the biggest fan conventions in the stat of Arizona. Saboten Con is held in the downtown Phoenix area and hosts cosplayers, fan favorite voice actors and of course the attendees gathered to celebrate Japanese anime. Gamers also enjoy the convention, with many video game cosplayers in attendance.
Tag Archives: Monster Hunter
Awesome Gaming Cosplay: Dissidia Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, METAL GEAR SOLID 4: Guns of the Patriots, FINAL FANTASY XIII, Shining Tears
The Awesome Gaming Cosplay features new gaming costumes from international professional and amateur cosplayers. We collect intricate and interesting photographs of favorite gaming characters. This week has costumes from Dissidia Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Final Fantasy XIII, and, Shining Tears.
Warrior of Light from Dissidia Final Fantasy Cosplay by Kanon
Barioth X from Monster Hunter Cosplay by mari* Photography by Max Gaia… [ Read More... ]
Gaming Cosplay Gallery (SABOTEN CON 2015)
At anime convention Saboten Con 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona, we saw tons of gaming cosplay all over the place. This gallery is devoted to all of the gaming cosplay we spotted. There are a variety of costumes from games like Bioshock, Borderlands, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Age, The Evil Within, Final Fantasy, Five Nights At Freddys, Guilty Gear, Hotline Miami, Kingdom Hearts, The Legend of Zelda, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Resident … [ Read More... ]
Gameplay of the chinese developed Monster Hunter Online beta
Monster Hunter fans might be interested to see how Monster Hunter Online is coming along. This gameplay footage was recently revealed showing off the beta version of the game. The PC only title is being developed on Crytek technology by Chinese conglomerate QQ/Tenscent. Monster Hunter is a Capcom IP.