Chances are if you played games in the 80’s, you are familiar with Sega’s incredible arcade heritage, which is often highlighted by racing titles like Outrun, Hang-On, and Daytona USA. Currently, to get those type of gameplay experiences, your options are limited to playing those classics, which were all headed by legendary game designer Yu Suzuki. Chase Pettit & Charles Blanchard plan to breathe new life into the classic arcade … [ Read More... ]
Tag Archives: PC
Just when we thought we didn’t need another Zelda clone…
Then, Hyper Light Drifter came along.
2013 has been a good year for indie developers and their Kickstarter campaigns; and the good luck continues for Los Angeles based indie developer, Heart Machine. Their new game, Hyper Light Drifter, takes the action RPG formula of Zelda and maxes it out with extremely beautiful retro graphics and an over the top world to play in. Being a good game doesn’t … [ Read More... ]
Mighty No. 9 blows away Kickstarter with 4 Million Dollars
The soul of Mega Man will live on thanks to fans all around the world.
That’s right, the Kickstarter, created by Keiji Inafune’s company Comcept has finally completed and not only did they hit their goal, but they exceeded it by more than 4 times. At a whopping $4,000,000 USD (combined Kickstarter and PayPal backers), Mighty No. 9, the spiritual (and completely unrelated) successor to Capcom’s beloved Mega Man… [ Read More... ]
Gameplay of the chinese developed Monster Hunter Online beta
Monster Hunter fans might be interested to see how Monster Hunter Online is coming along. This gameplay footage was recently revealed showing off the beta version of the game. The PC only title is being developed on Crytek technology by Chinese conglomerate QQ/Tenscent. Monster Hunter is a Capcom IP.