Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past week, you’re probably aware that Electronic Arts is resurrecting Syndicate.
It’s being created by Starbreeze Studios and will be taking the form of a first-person shooter. This has predictably kicked off a huge shitstorm on the internet, with people flatly stating that they won’t be buying it and that it’s bound to be rubbish.
While we’re of the agreement that a first-person viewpoint seems strange, we’re not going to write Syndicate off any time soon. After all, Starbreeze has made some great shooters within the genre, and, with a little careful planning, it would be relatively easy to emulate many key aspects of the original game in the new viewpoint.
Hired Guns on the Amiga proved it was perfectly possible to create a Syndicate style game using a first-person viewpoint and we’ve only seen teaser screens at the moment. Rather than spout bile and venom, we’re going to sit tight and reserve our judgement until we’ve seen some actual gameplay. Our advice is that you do the same.