Unreal Engine 4 plans to make game production easier

Epic showed a preview of their new graphics engine, the Unreal 4 Engine, at the Game Developers Conference 2012 (GDC). The preview demonstrates the new engine’s impressive abilities to render lighting, particle effects and more. This is all expected… after all, it is the new Unreal engine. More importantly though, Epic is working towards multiple agendas with this engine. The obvious one is to make the next … [ Read More... ]

Cheap Video Games 1

Here are some great games you can pick up on the cheap… Less than $19 USD.

Batman Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year
The highly acclaimed Batman game that everyone enjoyed. Amazing graphics and solid game play make this a great choice for comic book fans and action gamers alike.

Platform: PS3/XBOX360

Price: $17.21 (as of 05/29/2012)

Links: Amazon



Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe
A … [ Read More... ]

BSMH @ Phoenix Comicon 2012

Phoenix Comicon 2012 has come and gone… BabySoftMurderHands was there to represent! We provided a Sega Dreamcast running Marvel Vs Capcom, free to play for convention goers at the Mercurius Creative Cosplay & Fan Gear booth (1113).

Here is a picture of 90’s-tastic setup…

One of the Monarch’s Henchmen enjoying a game…

And we couldnt help but snap this pic while walking through the hallways…
Raiden from Metal Gear [ Read More... ]

Amazon adds Retro Gaming section

We do most of our video game shopping online. We often pick up used classics via Amazon, Ebay and some other online stores. Recently, Amazon.com has added Retro Gaming as a new category to their store.

With this section you can find used games, consoles and more. They even offer listings of classic games available for download. The store is also organized by the following consoles…

    Atari 2600[ Read More... ]