Tag Archives: Crytek

Gameplay of the chinese developed Monster Hunter Online beta


Monster Hunter fans might be interested to see how Monster Hunter Online is coming along. This gameplay footage was recently revealed showing off the beta version of the game. The PC only title is being developed on Crytek technology by Chinese conglomerate QQ/Tenscent. Monster Hunter is a Capcom IP.

Monster Hunter Online site (Chinese)[ Read More... ]

French company creates a highly realistic VR world using CryEngine 3 for business purposes

Enodo CryEngine 3 VR marketing

They may not make video games, but French company Enodo is utilizing high performance game graphics engines to offer engaging virtual reality experiences for your potential clients. Want to see how the car of your dreams looks from all angles? Want to know how the chrome rims will look at night? Wondering just how spacious the hotel lobby is for your next trip? Or perhaps you want to know what … [ Read More... ]

Hands On: Crysis 3 Beta Impressions

Crysis 3 beta handson

Crysis 3 is the latest FPS from Crytek. A downloadable multiplayer beta of Crysis 3 was recently made available for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. We tried out the Playstation 3 version for a couple hours to see how it fairs. Here’s a breakdown of our impressions…


  • Nice graphics for the Playstation 3 (probably better on PC)
  • Great controls
  • Jumping and climbing is awesome
  • Shooting
[ Read More... ]

Crysis 3 Max Settings Graphics + System Requirements

Crysis 3 Max Settings Graphics System Requirements 4

Crytek’s Crysis 3 is the next big game for PC gamers to flex their graphics muscle. Although it is also available for PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360, the PC version of Crysis 3 will surely look the best. For the uninitiated, Crysis 3 is a futuristic FPS that puts the player into a futuristic armor suit that gives them special abilities. Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli promised that Crysis 3[ Read More... ]