The Game Boy Advance (GBA) Shmup Library

Presented by Noiseredux (with Brickiemart and Racketboy)

Although the Game Boy Advance is not generally remembered for its library of shooters, it was the first portable gaming system powerful enough to recreate the classing shoot-em-ups of the 16-bit era. As such it saw ports and variations of many of the 16-bit staples: Gradius, Darius, R-Type — they’re all represented to some degree. And ports of 8-bit shmups are in even … [ Read More... ]

Racketboy Podcast #25 – Live @ TooManyGames III – James Rolfe & Brett Vanderbrook


Live @ TooManyGames III – James Rolfe & Brett Vanderbrook


Our friends at TooManyGames had us back once again last month to do a live podcast, and this time the interviews were with the Angry Video Game Nerd James Rolfe and last month’s guest on the podcast, PBC Prodcutions’ Brett Vanderbrook.  The duo cover their recent and past collaborations and individual projects, answer questions from the crowd, and provide … [ Read More... ]

Together Retro Game Club: Gradius III / Parodius

Presented by fastbilly1
New To Together Retro? Check out the introduction to the club

What do a spaceship, a paper airplane, giant space snakes, Maoi, and options, have in common?  If you guessed the Gradius series, well you might be a gamer.  If you guessed something else, please post it below.  Thats right boys and girls this month’s Together Retro is another two parter – Gradius III and Parodius.  And … [ Read More... ]

Doom Updated

RG reader and talented graphic artist Lee Griggs emailed us with an impressive 3D rendering he created of the E1M5 stage in Doom.

We can’t say we’re so familiar with Doom that we instantly went ‘oh yeah, that stage, the one with the oppressive grey walls and green acid pools’, but Lee helpfully sent us an image of the original stage so we could easily compare new with old.

Anyway, … [ Read More... ]