Another day, another interesting indie title. Ritual Dementia: The Revenge is a weird little adventure game that sets you in a dark fantasy world where you are part of a tribe. The tribe is enslaved and hunted by an evil overlord; it’s up to you to find a way to take back your people and your land. Ritual Dementia is more than just an adventure game, it also sprinkles in some elements of world building allowing you to rebuild your imprisoned world. Create safe zones, perform rituals and magic, solve puzzles. Another interesting thing? It’s retro, but not in the way you’ve come to expect… this game looks like a Playstation game from 1996. In a way though, that furthers it’s charm because at it’s core, Ritual Dementia is a dark, violent and gory game. It wouldn’t have the same vibe if everything was realistic with pools of blood everywhere.
Check out the gameplay video for Ritual Dementia: The Revenge….
Ritual Dementia: The Revenge is being developed by 3+1 Games (aka Sithog aka Steve Sanchez) for Linux, Windows, and Mac PC’s. As you can see there is already gameplay footage and quite a bit of development already complete. He’s looking for funding to complete the game and get it published as explained on the Kickstarter, “With your generous backing you will help fund the hamster wheel powering my tools, as well as deal with licensing fees and developer compensation. If funded I will be able to set up a 40-hour work ethic to power through my planned development cycle, and investing in some cheap test hardware to make sure it works across all proposed platforms would help as well.” One of the things I usually look for when a developer is asking for funding on Kickstarter is previous game dev experience. Fortunately, 3+1 Games has posted 2 of his games on his website which, while basic, are both fun and interesting.
Check out these screenshots of Ritual Dementia: The Revenge…
With that said, there’s only 14 days left and he’s about half way to his modest goal. If you think this game looks cool, you can help fund Ritual Dementia: The Revenge via Kickstarter.