Mario and Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto states that the smartphone market concern is overblown and isn’t hurting sales of traditional platforms. He told this to The New York Times. Miyamoto also says that gamers will still buy traditional hardware if the games are compelling. “As long as we’re able to provide an entertainment experience that people want to play, they’re more than happy to purchase another device to carry around with them alongside their smartphone,” he said. Miyamoto also said that in the past few years smartphone sales have raised in Japan, to such a degree that people actually say, “Maybe I don’t need a console, or I don’t need a portable gaming device.” Shigeru Miyamoto also said Animal Crossing: New Leaf, for the 3DS, was a huge hit in Japan. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is due out June of 2013 in the US.
“And what we’re seeing is that the people playing it primarily are adult women, and adult women also happens to be the same group of people that has been rapidly adopting cellphones over the last couple of years.” He basically states that the entertainment business is unpredictable.
“Entertainment is this thing that moves around from place to place. You have a theme park like Disneyland, and that’s a form of entertainment,” Miyamoto stated. “And at the same time you have small, downloadable software for your smartphone that you can play, and that’s entertainment. Nintendo’s stance, over all, is that we don’t know where entertainment will take us next.”
Here is also what he said referring to the lack of sales for the Wii U..
“I think that the Wii U still has a long future. We really view it as being the ideal device that families are going to want to have connected to that screen in the living room that everyone is going to gather around and watch. Certainly in the short term I would want to see it performing with probably a little more momentum. I think in the long term I’m not at a point where I’m concerned yet.”
Personally I agree with Miyamoto. I know I’ll never replace any of my gaming systems with my smartphone.