Robot Unicorn Attack, the original king of endless runners (along with Canabalt), is back with a sequel. Does this new version stack up to the original?
For the most part, yes and it’s free. Overall, this is a great looking and playing game. The controls are familiar although feel a bit different from previous iterations. Furthermore, the classic music is gone from the original Robot Unicorn Attack (It is available through In-App-Purchase) and has since been replaced with a synthesizer infused dreamscape of it’s own. The original was notable for it’s frantic and rapidly increasing speed. Your score would multiply while your robotic unicorn would blaze through the screen. It was pretty tough and offered the kind of gaming that is not only enthralling due to the challenge, but simplistically addictive as well.
Robot Unicorn Attack 2 manages to carry the torch pretty well, but eases you into it a bit slower. Furthermore, they’ve managed to add more variety to the scenery as you progress farther and farther into the endless stage. At first you see a beautifully painted cosmic sky, then a gigantic humpback whale with a florescent horn floats across the sky later followed by a troop of flying seahorses (skyhorses?). This adds a welcome bit of variation to the game. Robot Unicorn Attack 2 also improves on it’s predecessor by adding new obstacles… including giants that fire lasers at you. There’s also a point, challenge and level system that offers tons of replayability. With the points and rank it allows you to get things such as a new stage, customize your unicorn (wings, colors, etc) and more. Like most free games, Robot Unicorn Attack 2 offers players the ability to buy special abilities and more via in-app-purchases. If you’re the competitive type, these perks will help you reach the highest score faster and unlock more points to buy upgrades in the game.
At it’s core, Robot Unicorn Attack 2 is very similar to it’s predecessor, but maxed out on steroids. Robot unicorn steroids. Nearly everything that was good about the first game has been improved and overhauled.
Verdict: If you love pickup’n’go arcade games and bragging about high scores, we highly recommend Robot Unicorn Attack 2.
Robot Unicorn Attack 2 was developed by PikPok and published under the Adult Swim label. It is available for free on iOS devices including iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad.