Christmas is over and It’s almost the end of the year, and that means some great video game deals.
Tag Archives: Kinect
Having More Diverse Characters in Video Games Will Make Them Sell Better?
Tom Abernathy, Microsoft’s narrative designer had started his narrative talk at GDC, Game Developers Conference, with a tale about his daughter..
“[My daughter] made it clear that she didn’t like listening to songs that weren’t sung by girls, watching movies without girls, reading books not about girls, and her least favorite thing was when she’d be playing a game and she had to play a guy. Or … [ Read More... ]
Xbox Durango SDK documentation details Always On internet + Games only played on HDD
The next Xbox, codenamed Durango internally at Microsoft, has been surrounded in rumors for a long time. Microsoft offers no information as they hold out for their big console announcement. We don’t even know what it will really be called… Xbox 720? Xbox Next? Who knows. But we do know a little bit more about the next-gen console thanks to screenshots of the developer kit. The … [ Read More... ]
VR Treadmill let’s you walk around in the world of Skyrim
With devices like the Oculus’ Rift coming out, Skyrim fan’s must be excited to get to walk around and look around in the game. “Virtual reality is the future.” That’s what Virtuix says; and it looks like they’re dead set on it. Check out this very cool video of someone playing Skyrim on a virtual reality, multidirectional treadmill. The head tracking looks decent, and the walking looks impressive.… [ Read More... ]