Tag Archives: mega drive

COVER ART: Golden Axe II (Mega Drive)

Check out the European art for Sega’s Golden Axe II on the Mega Drive. This cover is  different than the Japanese release…

Golden Axe II originally came out in December of 1991. The US/EU cover art was created by Boris Vallejo. You can get this game on your Genesis/Mega Drive of course, and also on Xbox360, PS3 and iOS.

Golden Axe II wiki. [ Read More... ]

Baby Soft Murder Hands Podcast Episode 2: Sega Genesis

Welcome to Baby Soft Murder Hands’ 2nd official Podcast!

In this episode we talk about our favorite console as children… The Sega Genesis. In our usual fashion we go on highly biased rants and discuss our favorite games from that system. There’s even a healthy dose of Nintendo bashing!

Feel free to leave comments below and tell us your thoughts on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.