Mojam 2 (aka, Mojam 2013) is officially over. Mojam is an event started by the Indie Game Developer Mojang (The company behind the hit game MineCraft), during the event people could donate money to two charities and watch 72 hours of Mojang, as well as other Indie Game Developers, work on some new games. You can read more about it here. However, only people who have donated can download the games for free. Fortunately will be keeping the Mojam 2 site up a little longer, and will be accepting more donations.
Here are the 4 new games Mojang has created from Mojam 2013, please note that none of these games are for download.. Yet. (Except for those who donated, then you get the whole bundle)
Nuclear Pizza War by Cyborg Hippos..
Endless Nuclear Kittens by Giraffmacka..
Battle Frogs by Striped Zebras..
Nuke the Dinosaurs Blueprint Prototype by Mojang’s Junkboy, Aron, and Jon. Also by Steven (from Surasshu Sound)..
As well as games from the 5 other developers.. TEKTONIC (Grapefrukt), Space Hunk (Ludosity), 3918 (Oxeye Game Studio), Wasteland Kings (Vlambeer), and Low-Light (Wolfire Games).
Again, you can still donate now for Mojam 2 at and support the two amazing charities, Block by Block and EFF, (and of course get this huge bundle of free games).