Tag Archives: Silent Hill

GameOn Expo 2018



GameOn Expo in Phoenix, Arizona is an awesome con for gamers (from tabletop to arcade to PC to console). It may be smaller in size but with a full arcade and vendors selling games any collector would want-GameOn Expo is definitely not a convention to stick your nose up at. From having more viral popular games on the big screen such as Fortnite,  classics like Mario [ Read More... ]

Gaming Cosplay Gallery (SABOTEN CON 2015)

Borderlands Cosplay Mad MoxxyAt anime convention Saboten Con 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona, we saw tons of gaming cosplay all over the place. This gallery is devoted to all of the gaming cosplay we spotted. There are a variety of costumes from games like Bioshock, Borderlands, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Age, The Evil Within, Final Fantasy, Five Nights At Freddys, Guilty Gear, Hotline Miami, Kingdom Hearts, The Legend of Zelda, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Resident [ Read More... ]

American McGee Considering Alice 3 Game

Alice Madness Returns EA American McGee Alice 3

American McGee asks fans about a possible Alice 3.

“Alice Fans,
Questions for you:
1) If we could get the rights from EA, would you play “Alice 3?”
2) If you’d play “Alice 3,” would you back it on Kickstarter?
3) If you said “yes” to those two things, make some noise – I’m trying to gauge interest in case I happen to [ Read More... ]

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D in Theaters Now

Prepare for a 3D ride through hell. Thats the tag line of the new Silent Hill movie that just hit theaters today. For fans, the most exciting part of this movie will be the soundtrack, which was, in part, composed by Akira Yamaoka, long time series music man. The other cool thing will be the production values of the film, especially in the make up and special effects … [ Read More... ]