The Skullgirls Team Needs Your Help

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Fighting game fans should be familiar with Skullgirls by now. It’s the American made 2D arcade fighter that gives Street Fighter and King of Fighters a run for their money. Some of you may have heard that the company that made Skullgirls (Reverge Labs) was closed after losing financial support from their publisher. Later they got back together under a different company name, Lab Zero Games, and began working on the PC port of Skullgirls along with some system updates. They also wanted to release 3 DLC characters that would expand the game beyond it’s initial release. Well, to do that they need some help from the fans. They’re funding a new character through IndieGogo and I’ve got to admit, it’s one of the best crowd fund pitches I’ve seen in a while. Lab Zero gives you a clear breakdown as to why they need $150,000 to add a new character to a 2D fighting game, and once you see why, it makes sense. After all, the team is looking to dedicate themselves to this project, which means they need to pay their bills while creating the new character and other updates. They’ve also set some very impressive stretch goals including more characters and a story mode.

Check out the video from their IndieGogo campaign…

We think this is a good thing to fund, not just because we love 2D fighters, but because it’s a quality game that stands for quality things. Hand drawn art, music by Michiru Yamane (Symphony of the Night), tournament style fighting engine, and original characters. The Skullgirls IndieGogo campaign is already more than half fulfilled, so it looks like this one might make it into the stretch goal territory, which means even more characters.

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Skullgirls is currently available for Playstation 3 (via PSN) and Xbox 360 (via XBL). The PC port is coming soon too, which could be sped up by the crowd-funding campaign. The console versions were published by Autumn Games and the PC version by Marvelous AQL.

Support Skullgirls on IndiGogo

Skullgirls Official Site

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