This year’s Replay Expo takes place tomorrow in Blackpool on the sea front.
Running from the 5th of November to the 6th of November, it promises classic videogames, pinball machines, arcade games and lots of new titles to enjoy as well. Microsoft, Nintendo, BAFTA and Team 17 are just a few of the big names that will be at the event, while interviewers with developers from back in the day … [ Read More... ]
Imagine Publishing is delighted to announce that EVERY SINGLE BACK ISSUE of the award-winning Retro Gamer is now available to download on Apple Newsstand and the usual PixelMags app.
First published by Live Publishing in 2004, Retro Gamer has gone from strength to strength and continually delivers fascinating insight into the world of retro gaming. Huge exclusives appear in every issue, while it constantly delights the industry with its innovative … [ Read More... ]
Now that the 360 has been on the market for a number years now, we’re starting to see some big name titles come down to single-digit prices. And as long as you willing to go digging around in the used-game market, you can starting building an impressive game library for much less than the console cost you. Now, I haven’t played all of these, but I’m going mostly on critic’s … [ Read More... ]
I’m getting rather excited because Sonic Generations will be out on Friday. Stuart’s already played the game for review purposes (and really enjoyed it) but for myself, aside from some previews, I will be going in cold.
What I like most about Sonic Generations is that it has a gimmick that appears to actually work. Most of the 3D Sonic games have suffered from gimmicks that add little to the … [ Read More... ]