The year is 2007, it is the future…
In what started as an “april’s fools” joke, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon has been revealed to be a real game. The artwork looks like it’s from a cancelled Metal Gear from the 80s. The graphics are vibrant and beautiful.
Check out these leaked screenshots and art of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon…
There’s also a teaser trailer for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon…
The story of FC3BD…
The year is 2007. It is the future. Earth has been ravaged by a nuclear war and new paths for peace must be found. A U.S. cyborg army may have found a solution: a powerful bioweapon on a distant island. A Mark IV Cyber Commando, Sergeant Rex Power Colt has been sent over to gather information and figure out what the hell is going on.
While UbiSoft has not officially confirmed that this game is coming out, the screenshots and artwork do look rather promising. We hope this is real. The upcoming FPS looks to be for Xbox Live Arcade. No word on a Playstation 3 version has been mentioned, nor a release date.
Check out the brutally old school Official Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Site