A short chat with Mr. Homestuck, Andrew Hussie (Interview)

Homestuck Andrew Hussie Interview Phoenix Comicon 2013

Chances are, if you know what the interwebz is, you’ve read our guest’s comic at least once… We spoke to Andrew Hussie,  the creator of the infamous web comic Homestuck at the TopatoCo booth during Phoenix Comicon 2013. In this very brief, impromptu interview, we gain some insight about the ideas and themes in Homestuck. We also learned a bit about Hussie’s gaming history and what he’s currently working on.

ms paint adventures logo

Check out our exclusive interview below…

escape from monkey island

BabySoftMurderHands: With Homestuck, you have a lot of video game influences throughout it and even the website has video game themes in it. What were some of your favorite games that you played growing up?

Andrew Hussie: Well, I liked some adventures games, which is what the site was kinda based on. Like some of the old adventure games like, you know, Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle. Games like that. I liked role playing games and fighting games. I just sort of internalized it all and make jokes about it now.

BSMH: Do you play any video games currently?

AH: No… I haven’t played games in quite a long time… a few years. I generally keep a little too busy to play games.

homestuck horoscopes

BSMH: Licensing aside, what video game characters do you think would be cool to have in Homestuck?

AH: I don’t know… I don’t think I think like that. I don’t think it would necessarily be cool at all to have characters in it that I didn’t make up. [laughs] I think that’s kind of the point of doing original stuff is to make up your own characters. Otherwise, you know, it would kinda just be writing fan fiction I guess. [laughs]

BSMH: Beyond the website and it’s interactive nature, did you have any ideas for a Homestuck video game?

AH: You mean aside from the one I’m doing for Kickstarter? Well, I have a lot if ideas for that one, because I’m working on it now. I don’t know if I have any room for more ideas other than that. I’m designing that game right now.

BSMH: Regarding, the Kickstarter. It was funded extremely quickly and beyond it’s goal. From that, what do you think of your community and the fact Homestuck started as some very simply illustrations.

AH: It’s great! That was the result of a huge amount of support from the fans… Just a huge affirmation of all the work I’ve done on the site. They all seem to like it a lot and they showed it. That was awesome.

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BSMH: In closing, do you have anything to say to aspiring web comic artists?

AH: Yeah, if you have an idea you just have to work really hard at it. I don’t think theres a short cut… You just have to work almost all day, every day. That’s the only way you’re gonna get anywhere.


If you’d like to learn more about Homestuck you can visit the MS Paint Adventures website where all of it is free to read & watch.

You can also follow Andrew Hussie on Twitter.

Image credit: everythingipostiscanon.tumblr.com

This article includes resources gathered from our in-house investigative reporter, George Eleftheriou

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