Capcom reveals new game Deep Down & next gen engine Panta Rhei on PS4

Capcom reveals new game Deep Down next gen engine Panta Rhei PS4 1

At the Playstation 2013 Event in NYC Capcom game designer, Yoshinori Ono, unveiled Capcom’s next big thing. Well, 2 things really. They showed a trailer for a brand new fantasy game, code named Deep Down. It show’s some guys who appear to be knights that go through a cave and find a fire breathing dragon. Firey, particle-y battle ensues which climaxes to a “Blanka” sending Ono a message asking him for help in the game.

Watch the Deep Down PS4 trailer below…

Deep Down is being with Capcom’s latest game engine, Panta Rhei. It’s the successor to Capcom’s MT Framework engine, which powered many games including Dead Rising and Resident Evil 6. In our own opinion, the graphics are very good. The natural appearance of the characters, their skin, the lighting and more is very nice. Although, it’s also worth noting that the craftsmanship in the models also shows. Furthermore, the message at the end could hint at one of the Playstation 4’s features, which is to communicate with friends while playing a game and allow them to help you.

Check out these pretty Deep Down screenshots…
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Is Capcom’s Deep Down an expansion on the Monster Hunter series? Is it a follow up to Dragon’s Dogma or is it a brand new IP? We’ll find out more soon.

Deep Down Official Site


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