Nintendo still says no to removing region locks

Wii U Region Lock

With the announcements that the PS4 and Xbox One will be region free, many looked to Nintendo for a change. A petition was even started with quite a bit of noise being made on the Wii U’s Miiverse. Nintendo has spoken on the issue with the following announcement:

Nintendo has no plans to remove region locking from our systems. By taking this approach, Nintendo is able to include [ Read More... ]

Gears of War producer leaves Epic to work for Bioware on Mass Effect

Another high placed Epic Games employee is parting ways with the giant to make games at another company. This time it’s producer Chris Wynn, who’s credits include Gears of War 3Gears of War Judgement, will be joining Bioware to work on Mass Effect 4.

Gears of War producer leaves Epic work at Bioware Mass Effect


This article includes resources gathered from our in-house investigative reporter, George Eleftheriou[ Read More... ]

Gameplay of the chinese developed Monster Hunter Online beta


Monster Hunter fans might be interested to see how Monster Hunter Online is coming along. This gameplay footage was recently revealed showing off the beta version of the game. The PC only title is being developed on Crytek technology by Chinese conglomerate QQ/Tenscent. Monster Hunter is a Capcom IP.

Monster Hunter Online site (Chinese)[ Read More... ]

12-Minute Gameplay video of Bungie’s Destiny at E3 2013

Gameplay video Bungie Destiny E3 2013

In this 12 minute gameplay video you can see just how awesome looking the open world action FPS RPG Destiny will actually be. You can also hear some irritating and awkward team mate chatter as well a really cheesy tour. However, in Destiny Bungie, the original creators of the Halo series, shows you just how amazing Destiny looks in the full gameplay video from E3 2013. This … [ Read More... ]