Tag Archives: Microsoft Studios

More people leave Epic Games: Marketing chief switches teams to work on Halo

Gears of Halo

Epic Games, the company that brought us Gears of War and Unreal, just lost it’s top marketing guy. In many respects Kendall Boyd is likely the reason why Gears of War has remained a household name and why Infinity Blade got around so well. Epic’s loss is Microsoft’s gain because Boyd is joining Microsoft Studios as Director of Halo Global Marketing. Presumably, he will work his marketing … [ Read More... ]

Microsoft Studios Director disregards gamers for always-online Xbox Durango + New rumors

Microsoft Studios creative director Adam Orth recently tweeted about his feelings on devices being “always on”. He expresses that people without internet should “get with the times“. Furthermore, he disregarded users who are in rural areas that don’t have a stable internet connection.

Check out the tweets below…
Microsoft Studios Creative Director disregards gamers always-online Xbox 1 Microsoft Studios Creative Director disregards gamers always-online Xbox 3 Microsoft Studios Creative Director disregards gamers always-online Xbox 4 Microsoft Studios Creative Director disregards gamers always-online Xbox 2

Quite a view there. Even if he was just joking, it doesn’t show a very customer oriented way of thinking. … [ Read More... ]