Tag Archives: Tencent

More people leave Epic Games: Marketing chief switches teams to work on Halo

Gears of Halo

Epic Games, the company that brought us Gears of War and Unreal, just lost it’s top marketing guy. In many respects Kendall Boyd is likely the reason why Gears of War has remained a household name and why Infinity Blade got around so well. Epic’s loss is Microsoft’s gain because Boyd is joining Microsoft Studios as Director of Halo Global Marketing. Presumably, he will work his marketing … [ Read More... ]

Capcom announces Monster Hunter Online screenshots & video

Monster Hunter Online logo

As we should all be aware by now that Capcom’s Monster Hunter series is pretty good. It’s particularly loved in Japan and now that love is extending to an online version of the game. This is where things get interesting; it’s being developed by Chinese media conglomerate Tencent using CryEngine 3.

It looks impressive to say the least, especially considering how limited the general scope of Monster Hunter is. … [ Read More... ]