Tag Archives: game

CYBER MONDAY WEEK GAMING DEAL: Nintendo Wii U Super Mario Maker Console Deluxe Set

Gaming Deals

Cyber Monday Week is here! We’ve been posting Gaming Deals all week. Gaming Deals is a special section of the website where you can find out about hot video game deals online.  Black Friday has gone and Cyber Monday here! Here are some great deals for one of the best sale seasons this year.

Until Dec 1st, SAVE 10% OFF on PlayStation Digital Codes. Use coupon code L1L2R1R2 at [ Read More... ]

Cheap Thrills: Perspective

Long time no post guys,

I’ve been busy lately and got a little distracted from the blog, but now I’m back and to kick things off I’ve got an indie game review. The game I’ve chosen is a cute puzzle platformer called Perspective. You play a dog, who’s trying to reach his, a little old lady. There’s actually a nice ending to it, so its worth playing through. … [ Read More... ]