Movies For Gamers is a section of where we post and discuss a trailer for a classic cult movie. The movies we select will hopefully be movies that gamers will love too. And of course, if you haven’t seen it, we’ll give you a link to get it.
Following up Sam Raimi’s horror classic Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness takes the things we loved about the previous … [ Read More... ]
You read that correctly. Released on smart phones and computers is Tekken Card Tournament. It’s a free to play virtual card game which pits you against classic Tekken fighters in turn based, card combat. I played a bit of it and it’s not as bad as it sounds.
If you were like me and had a Sega Genesis when you were growing up, then chances are you’ve played ECCO The Dolphin and/or ECCO The Tides of Time. They’re great games, both in depth and graphics, right up there with classics like Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night. With that said, Ed Annunziata, the game designer of these Sega games is now making a new dolphin … [ Read More... ]
Surprisingly, there aren’t any real DragonBall related games on the iPhone and Android platforms. This is soon to change as Namco Bandai has released a trailer and official website for the upcoming DragonBall fighting game. It uses 2D graphics, which look hand drawn, and simplified touch screen fighting controls. Furthermore, it supports multiplayer via Bluetooth.
Check out the DragonBall Tap Battle video which includes lots of gameplay footage…