Tag Archives: Sega Dreamcast

Possible Quantic Dream Next Generation Playstation 4 Game


Quantic Dream is the amazing developer behind some hit games such as OMIKRON: The Nomad Soul for the PC and the Sega DreamcastFahrenheit (also known as Indigo Prophecy in the US) for the PC, X-box, and Playstation 2Heavy Rain for the Playstation 3, and the upcoming Beyond: Two Souls also for the Playstation 3.  We had heard that the French developer Quantic Dream[ Read More... ]

Holiday Gifts For A Retro Gamer

If you’re shopping for a retro gamer this holiday season you’re in luck. Although there are many classic video games that yield very high prices, there are still many available for a steal. We’ve selected just a few of our favorites for a few key interest groups.

If 8-bit & 16-bit is a way of life for your gamer then there are an abundant selection of games and systems to … [ Read More... ]

BSMH @ Phoenix Comicon 2012

Phoenix Comicon 2012 has come and gone… BabySoftMurderHands was there to represent! We provided a Sega Dreamcast running Marvel Vs Capcom, free to play for convention goers at the Mercurius Creative Cosplay & Fan Gear booth (1113).

Here is a picture of 90’s-tastic setup…

One of the Monarch’s Henchmen enjoying a game…

And we couldnt help but snap this pic while walking through the hallways…
Raiden from Metal Gear [ Read More... ]